Andrea Coller's Blog
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
so i'm a little worried about what it says on my little blog thingie here-- "the queen of pink," eh? somehow that sounds like a dirty movie. yet, anyone that knows me knows that i am quite fond of pink. so i'll let that slide. and "hard rockin' hot chick," yeah? well, i will admit to being a chick and liking to rock out hardcore, but i don't know about the whole "hot" thing. oh, well... if it sounds arrogant, blame the guy who wrote it.

so it's been 42 days since i got my brand spanking new stem cells, and i went back to work today. three haircuts in a row had me totally winded, which is quite shameful by most stylists' standards, but i got through them and did another one later with no problems, so i'd say it's a success. i was still more tired than necessary, but i had nightmares about fainting with scissors in my hand, and that didn't happen, so i guess it's ok. speaking of medical crap, i went to my local cvs, with a bottle that i'd gotten filled at a different cvs, in order to get a refill. the pharmacy tech scrutinized and did the math to make sure that i needed it, and wasn't running some sort of scam to get high off my prescription drugs. i suppose it's necessary, what with vicodin addiction being the new alcoholism, but come on, it's just bactrim. ah, well. i got my drugs.

i think i've been reading too much historical fiction. i had a dream that queen mary (of england- bloody mary) was trying to burn me alive for not being catholic. i still want to write that book about anne of cleves. first i must finish the one i'm just starting now, which has a bit of historical fiction. maybe i should just stick to songwriting for now. i gotta get some new ones up on the site. in one of them, elvis is involved. every songwriter has a song about elvis.

yes, it's been quite the scattered day, if you can't tell. think i'm crazy?let me know about it.
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